Djosers Step Pyramid serves as a testament to the common misconception that pyramids were empty upon their initial unveiling; however, this is far from accurate. Djosers Step Pyramid Djoser's Step Pyramid: The Architectural Marvel of Ancient EgyptBelow Djosers Step...
Discover The Secrets Of Egypt’s Pyramids After Dark
The Giza plateau is a magical place to walk, and the mysteries of this place are not few. Most visitors see the Great pyramids at day time, and tend to miss the other side of these magnificent structures. The Light Show by the Great Pyramids When the sun sets and the...
Secrets Of The Pyramid Builders
Secrets of the pyramid builders, the Empty Sarcophagus of Ancient Egypt. I have been wanting to write about the Empty Sarcophagus for years; I am unsure why I waited for so long. Maybe cause it’s still not accepted or even talked about, like so much. It seems to be...
Revealing Africa’s 220 Lost Pyramids
Naturally you have heard of Pyramids, especially the famous great pyramids of Giza. But what do you know about the pyramids of Africa? Download Map listing the Pyramids of Africa *PDF file: Download PDF fil The Great Pyramids of Giza There are still a lot of people...
Revealing The Lost and Destroyed Pyramids
Discovering Lost Pyramids.Celebrating my birthday researching the Lost pyramids of ancient Egypt. I was Looking For The Lost pyramids of EgyptThe Lost and Destroyed PyramidsFaiyum PyramidEgypt is Full of SurprisesThose That Have Not Yet Been FoundYonaguni Pyramid...