The Full Moon: Look at the Eye of the Night, as one eye is closed another one opens its heavenly light and gives light among the darkness. She is the companion of his majesty the Sun, they are the true Romeo and Juliet, never having the ability to reach each other,...
Revealing Ancient Egyptian Astronomy Forgotten Old Star Charts
As we delve into the intricacies of ancient Egyptian astronomy, we uncover a legacy that intertwines the cosmic with the cultural.
The Sleeping Prophet’s Legacy: Edgar Cayce’s Mind-Blowing Predictions Revealed
Cayce’s method of entering trance states was unique and allowed him to access a vast reservoir of knowledge.
Who Was Senenmut? Unraveling the Secrets of Egypt’s Genius Astronomer
A man of humble origins, he rose to unprecedented heights during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut, making him an enduring subject of…
How Old is the Emerald Tablet of Thoth?
Some say it dates back some 36,000 years B.C. when the ancient Egyptian Thoth was born.
But to cover this topic fully, we will also look at Hermes Trismegistus, whom they also considered the author of the Tablets. Or maybe it was another name for Thoth.
Constellation of the Big Dipper
Constellation of the Big Dipper... The mysterious lady said as she raised her hands towards the twinkling stars. With her rough voice she shared, this is one of the old ones. We called him Meskheti, and he came before. As her last words escaped her lips, her body...
Ancient Egyptian Astronomy
Ancient Egyptian astronomy was a very complex system which has survived for so long, that no one has come near to find any beginning of its creation.
The Stars
List all articles about the Stars in Ancient Egypt This is your primary station for all the articles about ancient Egyptian astronomy and astrology. I run another blog called The History of Astrology, and I have written a lot about ancient Egyptian astronomy there,...
Analyzing Heb Sed festival scene of Ramesses II
Ramesses II Heb Sed festival. As I walked alone, I was suddenly ripped from my dream like state back into reality, by the so familiar Heb-Sed festival scene. I thought it looked so beautiful, the rounded curves made it look smooth like. I wanted to know more. Or...